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    10 ?'s with Gerardo Valencia

    Gerardo Valencia is one of the most well known names in skimming these days and for good reason. The former World Champ is known not only for his style and aggressiveness on the water but also his rad personality off the water. If you’ve ever been to an event where Gerardo is riding, you know what I’m talking about. We caught up with Gerry for a quick sit down to see what he’s looking forward to in 2024 and a little bit about what makes him tick. Check it out below!

    ZAP: What are you looking forward to most in the 2024 season?
    Gerardo: Traveling and competing honestly. I really want to do better this year in contests!

    ZAP: Where’s your favorite place to skim? And why?
    Gerardo: My favorite place is Playa del Coco in Costa Rica. I really love that spot because the waves are always good and it’s just such a sick spot!

    ZAP: Where is the coolest place skimboarding has taken you?
    Gerardo: Muertos Beach in Mexico. It’s a beautiful spot, the people are friendly and of course, the skim is solid.

    ZAP: What gets you hyped to go for a session?
    Gerardo: It’s probably a little obvious but when the waves are good, that’s what gets me the most hyped! The next thing is when I’m trying a new trick and it finally clicks. There aren’t many better feelings out there for me.

    ZAP: How do you train in the offseason?
    Gerardo: I just try to skim as much as I can and take care of myself. I go to the gym as often as I can, run, eat right, and try to stay consistent.

    ZAP: Do you have any trips planned at the moment?
    Gerardo: Not at the moment but I would love to go to Europe as well as Sununga Beach in Brazil.

    ZAP: How did the 2023 season treat you? What were some of the highlights?
    Gerardo: 2023 was a great year. I got to travel a lot with my brother, Yahir, skim a lot and have a ton of fun. It was a good learning year as well but for 2024, I have more motivation and I can’t wait for the season to really get going.

    ZAP: What are some of your hobbies outside of skimboarding?
    Gerardo: I like to go to the gym and keep up with my physical fitness.

    ZAP: If you could change anything about competitive skimboarding, what would it be?
    Gerardo: Honestly, I wouldn’t change much about it. There just needs to be more competitions!

    ZAP: Which event in 2024 are you the most hyped for?
    Gerardo: I love all of the events but my favorite are definitely Oktoberfest and the World Championships in Dewey Beach.

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