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    2022 Melaque Skim Mafia Contest

    We were stoked to be apart of the 2022 Melaque Skim Mafia contest that ZAP team rider and World Champion skimboarder Gerardo Valencia organized. It was a special event because the Skim USA team made the trip to Melaque, Mexico to compete in the event.

    The Skim USA team consists of some of the top Amateur riders from the United States and it was great to see them compete with the very talented local riders in Melaque. Along with the Skim USA team, John Akerman made the trip from Florida for the event to be apart of the contest. Having the top ZAP Professionals competing in some great shore break provided some amazing entertainment as you will see in this video!
    At the end of the day, local Melaque rider who is a top Zap Professional rider- Yahir Valencia- took home the Win for the hometown. You will see him running the gauntlet at the end of the video! We want to give a big thanks to Kyle Tidey for making the trip and capturing these epic moments for us.
    See below for full results:
    Professional Division
    1st- Yahir Valencia
    2nd- Gerardo Valencia
    3rd- Emiliano
    4th- Machete
    5th- Changa
    6th- Elian
    Female Division:
    1st- Irais
    2nd- Rylea
    3rd- Sydney Pizza
    4th- Avery
    5th- Jimena
    6th- Ikary
    Amateur Division:
    1st- Josh Wright
    2nd- Choro
    3rd- Emilio
    4th- Angel
    1st- Cooper
    2nd- Mozo
    3rd- Fusco
    4th- Landon
    5th- Harris
    Video: Kyle Tidey
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    1 comment

    • This is rad! Nice work Gerardo and everyone else involved!!!

      Zach Smetts

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