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    2023 Shore lb. at Sebastian Inlet

    Words by: Jason Wilson Photos: @devindmedia @casey_reigstad @jsarasota

    On March 11th-12th, 2023, the Shore LB Throwdown took place at Sebastian Inlet, a legendary east coast break between Melbourne and Vero Beach, FL. Surprisingly, this was the first time a skimboarding competition had taken place at this special location! Jack Tenny, from Indian Rocks Beach, FL, won the professional men’s division, and Zap Skimboards team rider Sydney Pizza from Dewey Beach, DE took first in the professional women’s division. The contest attracted a total of 148 competitors, including 18 professional riders, and 16 semi-pro's. 

    The conditions were prime for a great event as a 4-6ft swell blessed Sebastian Inlet all weekend. Clean high tide conditions Saturday and Sunday morning provided the best opportunity for the professionals. Early round highlights included Zap rookie pro Zeke Williams putting up the highest heat total score with an excellent wave selection and wrap cover-ups with plenty of style. Team veterans Dave Armstrong and Zack Carter also advanced with strong aerial attacks to join Gerardo Valencia who was seeded ahead into the second round. Gerardo skimmed brilliantly through two heats into the semi-final, where he was slightly edged out by Jack Tenny in the final seconds, ultimately earning 4th place and top honors for Zap in the professional division at this year's Shore LB Throwdown.

    In the amateur rounds, the team dominated the men's division by taking 3 of the top 4 spots on the podium! ET Beaugrand skimmed strongly for the win, while Dylan Duncan took third place, and Graham Shelton secured 4th place in one of the most competitive divisions on the Skim USA tour. Giorgio Tomasi continued his tear in the mini division with a win streak of 10 plus consecutive Skim USA competition victories! In the Senior Grandmasters, "Gnarly Chip" Sanders skimmed consistently to a second place finish, helping kickstart a campaign for his second Grandmaster Skim USA tour title.

    One of the most memorable moments of the weekend was Dylan Duncan taking first place in a super competitive semi-pro division! Dylan continued to turn heads as one the best riders to come off the Florida panhandle in years! With speed, power, and strong varial tricks, Dylan is ready to turn pro but decided to remain amateur and pocket $500 in Skim USA travel credit's. He has his sights set on the Skim USA trip to Portugal this summer and plans on competing in a  couple more amateur competitions before jumping up into the pro division. 

    The weekend concluded with the top 4 amateurs in each division receiving trophies and prize bags while the top professionals split a $5000 pro purse! All competing riders earned points on the 2023 Skim USA tour which continues in Panama City Beach, FL on April 15-16. It was great to see so many skim families and skimboarding legends in attendance, as well as strong growth in the female divisions at this competition!

    Thank you Shore LB and Skim USA for another great event! For full results and more info on 2023 skimboarding competitions check: www.skim-usa.com/schedule and www.unitedskimtour.org/2023-ust-event-schedule/
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