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    A Day With Monster

    Monster waves

    Dave Scott(Orange)   /   Dave “Monster” Armstrong(Dark Gray)

    Do you have a second for a quick interview?

    Yea I got a segment.

    How does your day normally start?

    Normally I get up around 5:30 am, I suppose. Get a nice big cup of coffee double time, hangout till 6 – 6:30 am, eat breakfast then head out the door and ride the bike out to the factory.

    Do you always bike?

    No haha, sometime the weather will not allow it. Those days I just try to find a ride.

    Monster Bike

    You used to have a one of a kind pickup truck, what happened with that?

    Well my truck is still alive, it still runs great but I had my license and license plate take away from me by the state and they want me to give them a lot of my money to get them back, but I don’t have a whole lot of my money.

    Ok, ok, haha. So what happens when you get to the factory?

    I pretty much clock in, take a big pull off my jug of coffee and just start making dust.

    Making Dust?

    Sanding skimboards, making dust.

    Making Dust 3

    So halfway through your day, we all want to know what a Monster eats for lunch?

    Usually cruise on over to Publix, get a whole Pub Sub or one of the dinners they have there, a large side of chicken salad, and maybe a box of cookies too. The usual lunch.

    Sounds pretty good. What is next on your agenda, I am guessing finish up the days work and then?

    I ride my bike home since the weather is better then, stop by the store for a sandwich and a few beers, grab my board, and head to the beach.

    What beach do you normally skim?


    How many years have you been skimboarding Manasota Beach?

    Ahhh, 28 years haha. Yea it has been awhile.

    Manasota Monster

    So after skimboarding are there any evening activities?

    Pretty much go home and cook some dinner. Showers are optional. Go to sleep and when I wake up it’s the next day.

    So do you not like showers?

    I am not grossly opposed but I don’t like them. Yea haha

    Haha, So what about on the weekends, do you try to travel around to other skim spots?

    I check the forecast and if it is flat here I try head to the other coast. If neither of those are looking good I am all about being a weekend warrior.

    Monster BS

    Ok, how about some info about Monster. What is your music preference? What gets you ready to skim?

    I like 80s speed metal and oldschool punk rock.

    You play the guitar right?

    I sure do, usually practice an hr and ½ a day.

    So is this in the evening time, after work and skim that you play?

    I just kind of sprinkle it in throughout the day. In the morning I will pick it up. Sometimes when I come home and grab my stuff I will play for like 15 minutes. I will just see it sitting there and mess around with it.

    Anything else to add to your day?

    Not really, I guess that’s pretty much my whole life story summed up in a nutshell.

    Well I guess that is about it. It was good chatting with you!

    Ok well you have fun and it was a good conversation we just had. haha

    Monster FS turn

    Monster liner

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