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    BP Oil Spill: Restore Act

    Just wanted to repost this video to help out with some current issues still occurring from the BP oil spill. Check it out!

    “We need Congress to pass the RESTORE Act before the BP spill settlement is reached. If not, the money will go into the general treasury instead of to the Gulf states where the spill happened. The RESTORE Act will set up a plan as to how the funds will be used to best restore the coast, instead of being wasted. We need action now! The trial starts Feb 27!! What can you do? Easy! Go to www.VanishingParadise.org and hit the TAKE ACTION button. Fill out the email form to send a letter to your representatives. It only takes a minute. Go to Facebook and LIKE Vanishing Paradise! Posted by Sean Turner, co-host of The Outdoor Kitchen Show.”

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