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    Catching Up With Mega

    Mega 1

    Catching up with team rider Emanuel “Mega” Embaixador and his new board. Interviewed by Team manager Jason Wilson on his board preference and plans for this Summer. Enjoy.

    Hello this is Jdub, reporting from Sununga, Brazil doing an interview with Mega, Emanuel Embaixador. How big are you Mega?

    1 meter and 87cm, which is like 6 foot 1 or 2 inches.

    How much do you weight?

    89 kilos. In lbs, I am not sure.(195lbs)

    What size shoe do you wear?


    Where is ur home break?

    Sesimbra, Portugal

    What type of wave is that?

    The wave breaks out far then reforms again, which is good for sliding out far. Nice for wraps and surfing the wave, maybe doing a couple tricks. It is not like a shore beak but more of a farther out wave ride.

    EMga board

    So Zap skimboards are mostly epoxy with textured decks now, compared to in the past using polyester and non textured decks. Tell me the differences that you see in the new Zaps verses the old ones?

    They are way better now then back in the day when they were just polyester. Epoxy is the new thing, I don’t think the textured deck makes a big difference. I think the epoxy makes the board better because it is much more lighter and stronger, they are way faster too.

    Why did you choose that design and color scheme on your board?
    Tell me a little bit about the art.

    I have been seeing shaper Steve Boomhower’s new art on the boards, and I had some ideas. I like the colors because they are the same as my favorite Portuguese soccer team, Benfica. The red, black, and white.

    mega 9

    What are your favorite type of waves to ride? if you had a choice for your dream wave, what would you be riding?

    Sununga, if it was frontside for goofy footers. Like a sununga sider from the left side. But I like Sununga wave still, it is one of my favorite waves. I like to ride all kinds of waves. Liners, big shore break, reform waves, and siders. I like to ride different waves a lot and not just one kind of wave all the time. I just want to ride different waves all of the time.

    So that must be why you travel so much?

    Yes, that is why I travel so much for sure. Ha

    So tell me about your plans with this skimboard for the summer. Any travel plans or competitions?

    I don’t have many competition plans for this year, I will be doing the Sununga UST and maybe one more. I have a lot of lessons over the summer with the Surf Club Sesimbra skim school. Maybe a few skim trips to find new skim beaches and waves. I want to keep discovering new places, traveling far to find new waves and skimmers. That is my goal for this year.

    In closing maybe a shout out to your sponsors, all of those pretty stickers on your board.

    I want to say thank you to everyone, Zap Skimboards my main sponsor, Makai, SCS Surf shop, 71% Sunscreen, Amazoo Acai, Agent 18 wetsuits, Ipath Footwear, Stoked Entertainment, Vestal Watches, and Eelsnot.

    Check out some photos of Mega’s first session on his new board. Waves were no the best but Mega made the most of the conditions.
    mega 5

    mega 4

    mega 6

    mega 3

    mega 7

    mega 8

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