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    Ed Hayden Interview

    ED cover 2

    To start off, in case you did not already know, Ed Hayden is one of the newest members of the Zap crew. He rips on a skimboard and even harder in life. We are stoked to have him on the team and look forward to seeing what will come from him in the future. Check out a recent interview with him below.

    Dave Scott(Orange)   /   Ed Hayden(Dark Gray)

    Where are you from?

    Olney, Maryland, but currently reside in Belmar, NJ.

    Where is your local skim break?

    Anywhere breaking in Blemar but generally 8th or 18th ave. 8th is more of a liner spot and 18th better for wraps.

    Favorite place to skim?

    Dewey beach, Delaware. I grew up skimming their. I have never gone there and had a bad session in the past 3 years, been on point. I try to make 3-4 trips a year.


    How do you feel being a zap part of team now?

    I feel great, privileged, happy, and proud. The first foam core board I had was a Zap. I have lived and skimmed on the east coast for so long that being a part of this team/family means the world to me!

    Winter in Jersey…

    Real hard to run in 7mil boots. Hard to skim. You don’t skim often.

    Who is in ur crew?

    The groms, Russell Sullivan, Dillon Browne, Cahill Wall, Bobby Brown, Brody Heron, and anyone else cruising Belmar with a skimboard.

    How long have you been skimboarding?

    Started when I was 8-16 years old competing. Took about 5 years off to play college and pro soccer. Then started back up again.

    What happened with soccer?

    I played professionally for four sessions. One in Richmond and 3 in Pittsburgh in the USL, United Soccer League.


    What made you stop playing soccer?

    American soccer isn’t the best industry. So I could live check to check playing soccer or by the ocean. So I chose the ocean. I am all about progression and I did the most I could playing American soccer so now maybe I can become a professional skimboarder.

    How old are u know?

    29, golden year right before you turn grand master.

    I hear you are involved with a bunch of summer camps. Skim, soccer, and skate camps with kids. How is that going?

    Going well, I administrate the Jersey Shore Skim Camp. We have 2 locations. We have a great staff and with tons of kids improving. I also run soccer camps and inner city surf camps as well.

    Ed Camps 1

    Do u enjoy the camps?

    I love the camps and all the kids as long as they are not mine. Haha. It is really cool to see the kids progress and to see the crossover of kids that want to skim after I have taught them in soccer.

    Seems like soccer and skimming kind of go hand and hand?

    Soccer and skimming have a lot in common. First off the whole foot/eye coordination aspect is easily seen. Aside from that they both take balance, speed, agility, and the ability to read or anticipate a situation as it unfolds. In a soccer game you generally need to be thinking a few steps ahead of where the ball is to give yourself the most options when in possession; in skimming you need the ability to read where waves are breaking, where to meet the wave, and what options you have riding it as it breaks. Also, fitness is key! You need a certain level of fitness to participate in either sport.

    How were the affects of Hurricane Sandy in your area?

    We felt the wrath but we survive. It makes us realize how fortunate you are when you have stuff. Makes you also realize how powerful the ocean is. How a mass of moving water could flood everything. Brings out the best in people and you find out who really cares about the community. There will be positives and negatives but the positives seem to outweigh the negatives. At least in my town.

    How do you like contest?

    I love contests! It is like a gathering of friends every other weekend all summer. Fortunately I can speak well and I get to get be on the mick, but even if I couldn’t do that, my family always planned vacations around events. I get to see friends and you get to see progress from other riders, which will help yourself.

    Other activities/hobbies?

    Surf, skate, I have shaped four surfboards, read, and watch skim videos. Oh and chase women. haha

    ED skate

    How are you so positive all of the time?

    Honestly, I listen to positive music, but working with kids helps me because you can not really be negative around smiling young faces. Surrounding yourself with positive people to influence you in a positive way helps to keep the good vibes rollin.


    So thats the secret?

    That’s the secret, and eating healthy. Keep your body healthy. Wake up and enjoy the sun everyday and you will have a smile everyday.

    Favorite thing about skimboarding?

    Freedom to creative or be creative. I have played team sports my whole life and you have to play within the boundaries of the team and games rules. Skimboarding is just you, the waves, the board, and your mind with what you can imagine. Also the camaraderie. I’ve surfed the same break for years and made like one or two friends, but skimming is different. The community is more friendly and pretty awesome.


    Thanks man appreciate, any last words?

    Thank my parents for giving me a skimboard and taking me to the ocean, thank the universe and planet for providing wind water and waves. Zap for believing in me and sponsoring me. And every person who picks up a skimboard because with out them, the sport would never progress to where it is today.



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