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    Ed Hayden: Tribe Of Good Vibes

    The Tribe of Good Vibes


    If you have not heard already, team rider Ed Hayden has been traveling all through Florida on a trip to spread the “Good Vibes.” Ed and a few of his close companions have started a company that is dedicated to spreading positive energy in all aspects of life, no matter what you do.  From there website:

    “Positive energy vibrates at a high frequency, overcoming negative, and attracting similar vibrations and frequencies. The Tribe of Good Vibes is a family of friends brought together by the belief that hard work, love, kindness, humility, and gratitude will get you where you want to be in life. We maintain an active blog, and offer products and services, pertaining to the things that we love and dedicate our lives to. We have a firm belief that health is wealth, and actively take part in, and promote healthy lifestyle choices. The Tribe of Good Vibes supports creativity and freedom of expression through sports, art, crafts, diet, video, music, and spirituality. We are positivity spread through peace, love, high fives and hugs. Good Vibes is a mind state. Good Vibes is a state of being. Good Vibes is a movement…will you join the Tribe and spread the smiles?!?”

    You can follow their awesome BLOG which showcases their trips, interests, and passions. Frequently update with content consisting anywhere from action sports entries to tips on healthy eating and fitness. Oh yea, did we mention they make rad tie dye shirts and custom jewelry? Well, they do. So make sure check out their Etsy Page and support their cause.

    tribe of vibes etsy“Natural Earth and Ocean inspired jewelry and custom Tie Dye clothing updated regularly!! Join the Tribe in spreading Good Vibes, Love, and High Fives.”

    A few images and video of their trip thus far.

    Ed picking up his new board at the factory in Venice, FL.


    Factory photos and hanging with the Zap crew on the gulf. Video: Tribeofgoodvibes

    Catching up with Ed Hayden on his adventures in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Photos: Dave Scott


    Unfortunately the waves were extra small this day. But the weather could not have been much better!

    t3 t5 t6

    Ed showing the “Good Vibes” everywhere he goes.


    Tribe member and brother of ED, Taylor Hayden has been putting some time in behind the camera getting some great photos and video.


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