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    Friend of Zap Could Use Our Help

    A great friend of Zap and the entire Skim Community could everyones help. Read and check out the link below. Anything helps.


    “Greg Krolczyk (aka “Skim City” Greg) suffered a massive heart attack on Monday, December 1st. He had an artery that was completely blocked. Thankfully the paramedics were able to resuscitate him and the doctors were able to remove a large blood clot from his aorta and insert two stents. Greg is peacefully sedated as the doctors are working diligently to get him stabilized and off of the ventilator which is helping him breathe. The doctors are hopeful that he will soon begin to breathe on his own and come out of sedation.

    Greg needs our thoughts and prayers not only in this critical time but as he continues on the journey ahead of him to recover. Thankfully, his girlfriend Michelle is at his side to support him as well as our Skim Family. Family is a vital part of our skim culture and right now we are reaching out to our skim family to help our friend, colleague, champion of skimboarding, and family member.  Greg is in a season of his life where he needs our love and support. While Greg has medical insurance the deductibles, treatments, out of pocket expenses, co-pays, and prescriptions are adding up and as a small business owner, his inability to work directly affects his income. Even when he stabilizes and is able to go home from the hospital, he will need to focus on his rehabilitation and going back to work will be a slow and gradual process. We are thankful for all of your prayers, well wishes, and positive thoughts, keep them coming. We are also asking for your financial support to help Greg through this difficult time, you can make a donation on the site below.”

    Donation Site Click HERE

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