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    Hurricane: Irene

    We have another storm in the water.  Hurricane Irene is forecasted to be a Category 3 hurricane with 115 mph winds by the time it reaches Florida. The good news is that the storm’s predicted path is headed more east staying about 150 miles off the coast.  Swell charts are predicting the surf to reach 10-15ft across the whole east coast of FL.  As the storm reaches each part of the coast, the winds will be onshore around 50-60 mph and as the the storm passes they will switch offshore diminishing the waves but making them clean.  Hope everyone is safe for the storm and scores some waves after it passes! Make sure you get on it quick, since the surf is expected to die off fast with the hard offshore winds.  Either way the skim should still be fun!  Let us know where you think the waves will be best and maybe we can make a trip.  You can follow the storm here.

    Predicted Path

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