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    INTERVIEW | Catch Up with Dylan Duncan

    Team rider Dylan Dyncan hails from Panama City, FL but calls Venice, FL home at the moment. Known for his high-intensity skimming and sick style, Dylan just wrapped up his first pro season of competing. We caught up with him for a quick catch up to see what’s been going on in his world! Check it out now!

    Dylan rides the CAZADOR V2 & RAPTOR! Grab yours now.

    ZAP: Yo Dylan! How’s it going? What have you been up to lately?
    Dylan: Yo! Lately, I’ve been dealing with these storms that have been coming through Florida! Luckily, I’ve been blessed with getting minimal damage from them so that’s good. A bit of a setback but we can always rebuild! I’ve also been working and constantly training to outdo my performance last year! 

    ZAP: You stayed nice and busy this season, traveling to contests and shredding any chance you could get. What was your favorite part about the 2024 season?
    Dylan: My favorite part of the 2024 season was getting to compete with all the guys I used to watch videos of and becoming close friends with all of them!

    ZAP: What are your plans as we head into 2025?
    Dylan: I plan to outdo myself this year! I want to exceed my own expectations this year but most importantly, I want to continue to learn more about competing as a pro since it is completely different from the Am division!

    ZAP: What are your thoughts on the current state of the contest scene? What do you like and what do you think could be done better?
    Dylan: I love all the contests that we had in 2024! They were super fun, ran well, and a good time overall. I just wish we actually had waves at some of them! But unfortunately, that’s just how it goes sometimes and you make do with what you have!

    ZAP: What are some things that get you stoked to go skimming?
    Dylan: What gets me ready to shred is watching some hype clips of my homies killing it! It just makes me want to get out there! 

    ZAP: What are you doing when you’re not skimming?
    Dylan: When I'm not skimming, which is rare, I'm working at Glaspro helping to make Zap skimboards, training or traveling! 

    ZAP: How did the recent hurricanes through Florida affect you? Hopefully nothing bad to report! 
    Dylan: The hurricanes that have hit Florida recently had a set back for me and many others with materialistic issues. I had to get a new truck due to my car being flooded but my friends and family along with myself are alive and well and that's what matters most!

    ZAP: Were you able to ride some hurricane swell at least?
    Dylan: I wasn't able to skim the hurricane due to me being sick and then having  to leave my home to go up north! So that was a bit of a bummer because the waves looked rad!

    ZAP: We’re constantly getting messages from groms looking to get free boards on the Zap instagram. Do you have any advice for those young riders coming up looking to get sponsored?
    Dylan: My best advice for anyone who wants to get sponsored is to ask yourself if you would put your money into yourself and if you truly think so, then keep posting and shredding and it will come in time!

    ZAP: Thanks for the quick chat, Dylan! Is there anything else you’d like to get off your chest? Any shout outs?
    Dylan: I would just like to shout out to all my fans and family! You guys have kept this fire in me that I don't think is ever going to go out! I owe you all the world! And also a big shoutout to Max and the Zap family for taking great care of me through these hard times

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    • Your mom and I are so proud of you and proud of all of your accomplishments keep it up

      Ken Taylor

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