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    Interview: Gerardo Valencia


    Meet one of our newest team riders from Mainland Mexico, Gerardo Valencia. Gerardo is a very talented skimboarder who charges big waves in Mexico and sure can throw some huge airs with his new Zap Boomhower pro model. Team rider Emanuel “Mega” Embaixador got in touch with him recently for a quick interview. Check it out!

    ORANGE: Mega || BLACK: Gerardo

    Photos: Dave Scott


    Name, Age, years of skim?

    Edgar Gerardo Valencia. I am 19 years old and I have been skimming for three and a half years.

    When did you start riding for Zap Skimboards?

    I have been riding Zap for about 3-4 months now.

    You competed this year for your first time in the UST Cabo contest, right. How was it?

    I was honored to compete against the best riders in world. It was a amazing experience.





    Anyone you would like to say thanks to?

    I want to than you all at Zap and the brands who trust me and my work. Thanks to my family and friends and everyone who supports the sport of skimboarding.

    g1 f2 f1 f3

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