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    Interview: Luis Fernando


    ORANGE: Mega || BLACK: Luis

    Photos: Natalia Balzaretti/Elezar Melendez

    zap 3 quote

    What is name, age, number of years you have been skimboarding?

    I am Luis Fernando Gutierrez Palacios, I am 18 years old, I have been skimming for 4 years.

    When did you start riding for Zap Skimboards?

    3 or 4 months ago.

    You competed this year for the first time in a UST (Cabo contest). How was it?

    I competed in the AM division but I had some injuries so I did not do well.

    Which contests are you going to compete in this year?

    Mainland zone for sure and maybe Ocktoberfest in California.

    What was your best result in a skim competition?


    Who’s your inspiration on skimboarding?

    John Akerman


    What model Zap do you ride?

    The Jason Wilson Pro model.

    What do you like about the boards?

    I don’t like it, I LOVE IT, its the perfect shape for all conditions. Just PERFECT.

    Who are your other sponsors?

    Nuts Traction, and Everglide Speed Wax

    Anyone you would like to thank?

    My family, my girl, my friends, and all the people that support me all time. For sure Zap Skimboards for giving me the chanse to be part of the family and all my sponsorships!

    zap6 zap4 zap2 Zap

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