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    Interview with ET Baker


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    Name: ET Baker

    Age: 25

    Years Skimboarding: 11

    Home Break: Mulligans & JC Beach

    Stance: Regular

    Preferred Zap Board: Amped-X

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    Photos By || Stephen McCown aka Flask Skimboarding

    BLUE: Dave Scott || BLACK: ET Baker

    I was stoked when I first heard you were going to be part of the Zap crew. How do you like riding for Zap so far?

    I love it! Riding for Zap is not like riding for any other company. You’re not just another sponsored rider, you’re apart of the Zap Family. Everyone involved with Zap from Karen to Brian or even Max and Zach, they all treat you like family and that means a lot to me and is the main reason why I wanted to ride for them in the first place!

    Do you feel your riding has progressed now that you are riding for Zap?

    I do. I feel like my skimming has become a little more confident, stylish, and all around I’m just having more fun! I remember before I was ever sponsored, I bought a Zap Boomhower. I was skimming with Troy Rhoten and he would always tell me the best he’s ever seen me skim was on a Zap. So it all makes sense now that I’m riding for the team.

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    You have been posting some cool Go Pro video clips and photos. How do you like filming now?

    I love it! It’s a new found passion for me. I always enjoyed editing and making little mini movies in high school, but now with the GoPro, it’s so much easier to do and the quality is amazing for how small the camera is! Plus who doesn’t love a good barrel shot!?

    You mentioned you were starting a website to sell your photos. What’s it called and where are you headed with that?

    I am. It’s still in the works but it’s going to be called ETBakerVGallery. I made an Instagram for it with the same name, so everyone can check that out for now while I’m working on the website. The goal for the website is to show everyone my passion for the ocean and waves, and possibly sell a few photos along the way, I got the idea after posting the pictures I had been getting and friends kept asking me “when are you going to print those?” Or “when can I buy one of those?” So I decided to start printing them and selling them!

    I always see you repping Shore lb. They seem to be a very positive group always pushing skimboarding in the right direct. Tell us a little about them and how you are affiliated?

    Yea, I love Shore lb. I’ve been with them since they started! Chris Ellison started the company about 4 years ago. Chris and I have always been good friends either skimming or working together, he’s an all around good guy and one of my role models. He’s also one of the most positive people you’ll ever meet and I love that about him and the company. I think that’s why I try to push them so hard, because he’s always pushed me so hard in a positive direction in whatever I’m doing whether it’s skimming, lifeguarding, or just life in general.

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    Other then actually skimboarding what would you recommend for the younger guys to do to help them improve their riding?

    I have always felt that skateboarding has helped develop my skills in skimboarding. Especially in a bowl or park with lots of transition. When I do my skim camps in the summer I have the campers bring their longboard skateboards, Penny boards, or the new Carver boards and we will just go skate around. I think that it helps the kids get the feel for the turning motion and turning in the pocket of a wave, it also helps with their balance if they’re fairly new to the sport. Just regular skateboarding as well can help with your tech tricks, because if you can shuv it on an 8 inch deck than you should definitely be able to shuv it on 22 inch wide skimboard.

    If you could travel anywhere in the world to skim where would you go, why?

    I would probably travel to Sununga. I’ve heard so many stories from Eddie Dixon that it’s got me wanting to go with him next time he goes. Plus I’ve never been there before. Although Cabo has already stolen my heart the past three times I was there. But I’d have to say Sununga.

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    Let’s have some fun. Random favorites.


    Ms. Palmers


    a local place in my town called Nino’s

    Spice Girl?

    Posche Spice


    Blair Conklin or Sammy Stinnet

    Phone Brand?

    Apple IPhone

    Candy Bar?

    Crunch Bar

    Blonde or Brunette?


    Popsicle Color?


    Comedy Movie?

    Pineapple Express

    Nintendo Game?

    Super Mario

    Skim Spot?

    Southside, on a fire day with the whole crew!

    Thanks for the interview, any shout outs to your sponsors/supporters?

    Major shout out to Stephen McCown from FlaskSkimboarding. Big Thanks to Shore lb., Freak Traction, VBLA, DummyMount. Thank you to Max Smetts & Jason Wilson for the opportunity to ride for the team and everyone that works at the Zap Factory thank you for making awesome boards and to Karen for being so nice and sweet and shipping the boards out so fast! :)

    Photos By || Stephen McCown aka Flask Skimboarding








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