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    Interview with Legend: Jed Currington



    Name: Jed Currington

    Age: 35

    Years Skimboarding: 33

    Home Break: Vilano Beach, FL

    Stance: Goofy

    Preferred Zap Board: Large Boomhower


    ORANGE: Dave Scott || BLACK: Jed Currington

    How long have you been riding for zap?

    I’ve been riding for Zap for 17 years.

    Didn’t you used to work at the Zap factory? What was your job and how was it?

    Yes, I worked at the factory for 3 years. It was an amazing experience and I loved working with everyone there. Learning to sand at first then making the boards from start to finish. It was cool to see the boards you made being sent off to far away places.

    Since you have been riding for Zap for 17 years, how has Zap progressed in your eyes?

    Zap started out in 1983. Shortly after that I got my first board. In the years after that, board designs had came and gone. Some worked better than others. A couple of my favorites were the master blaster, the wedge, Z4, and many others. Zap has always kept up with the newest materials and resins. Bob is always coming up with new designs for the sport, whether it is for skim or behind the boat. I can’t wait for what is to come from Zap next.

    What was your favorite shape when you started riding for Zap?

    I started riding the bullet and then as I grew I started riding big boards like The Wedge and the Pro Shapes.


    How has that shape evolved to the board you ride today?

    Those shapes have definitely evolved into the shape I ride today, the Boomhower.

    What conditions are optimal for your shape you ride now and how has it helped you progress?

    The Boomhower shape is definitely an all around board. From small groveling skim to big warping shore break, its my board of choice. It rides well for me being that I’m 6’1 and 225 pounds. It’s light and very responsive, letting me stay up to date with all the new tricks.

    Any skim trips in the near future?

    Lucky I live in a place that offers up some really good waves from time to time. Hopefully I’ll be going on a trip here in a month or two to Purto Rico.

    Thanks for the interview, any shout outs to your sponsors?

    Thanks to Zap skimboards and Run Drop Slide for always giving back to the sport I love and helping me out.

    Photo Credits – Monkey Down Productions & Brad Evers

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