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    Interview with the Champ: Casey Kiernan

    ORANGE: Dave Scott || BLACK: Casey Kiernan

    Photos: Dave Scott

    So how does it feel to be the 2014 Women’s Pro Champion?

    It’s incredible to be the 2014 champ! Holding high above my head that world champion trophy with Sammy at the Oktoberfest awards was the most epic feeling. I feel accomplished, honored, and all around stoked. I feel more responsible as well and that has to do with taking my skimming and female skimming to greater levels while being the encouragement and positive role model for all others who might look up to me.


    What did you do this year differently from last to help you out?

    This year I became more committed to competing in all of the contests and that helped get me comfortable in my heats. I also seeked the help of a coach, pro skimmer Chis Splendore. He helped me progress in the areas of my skimming that needed some work as well as encouraging me through it all.

    Any competition/training tips?

    Shhh! Those are secret, that’s how I won the title… Haha, well competition tips: focus on a positive mind set. I always do better and am satisfied with my performance when I go in it to have fun and skim as well as I am able to. Cross training with other board sports like skate/surf have also been helpful to my progression, but I make sure to stay healthy with good food, strength, and cardio training. Work those quads!

    Where do you skim/train?

    My main spot is in Vilano Beach, FL, but every month I’ll take a trip to Jupiter/Boynton Beach, FL to mix it up and skim with my first skim crew.


    When did you move from south Florida to north Florida?

    June of 2012 I moved up to north Florida, when I started college at the University of North Florida.

    North Florida is known to have more consistent swell then south Florida. Do you think skimming Vilano has helped you progress as a skimboarder and helped you win the tour?

    I am absolutely sure that my move up here was the main factor in my skim progression. I’d say it was 50% because of the consistent waves and 50% because of the guys really pushing me to the next level and being there to coach me. They probably don’t even know how much they’ve helped me as a skimboarder, so shoutout to my Vilano boys, thanks guys! lol

    I hear you might have a pro model next year. Have you been testing out any new shapes this year?

    Woot Woot! I’m super excited and honored for this opportunity! I’m just starting to test out new shapes other than the Jason Wilson and Steve Boomhower models, so I’m gradually figuring out the perfect new shape.

    What type of board do you prefer to ride?

    A Zap ;) haha. I like the narrower boards, but really it just depends on the conditions and my options.


    Do you ride the same board for every contest?

    Most contests this year I used my medium Boomhower. I switch it up, like I said depending on the conditions, like how I rode my Jdub at Oktoberfest. I’m not shy to ride both boards during the same heat though. That kind of thing sometimes helps me through a heat.

    Any trips planned or goals for next year?

    Well, word on the streets is that us pro women are trying to coordinate a Cabo trip in 2015, so hopefully that will work out. I really, really, really wanna get down to Sununga during the contest and explore Brazil too. I have a bunch of goals including a new bag of tricks and pushing even harder to reach new levels in skimming. I’d like to get a big name surf company sponsor to gain attention to female skimboarding and skimming as a whole. And finally, my second world title is on the list too.

    Shout out to your sponsors?

    I want to thank Zap for investing in me and believing in me. Without Zap I wouldn’t be in this position, nor would I be so stoked to be skimboarding. I’m grateful that Skim City has been by side thru it all, investing in and encouraging me as well. Run Drop Slide, Fayette Bikinis, Waxy Chix Wax, Let’s Party Traction and Everglide Speedwax have all contributed in awesome ways to get me to the top. Huge thanks to all!


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