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    Joe Ryce and His New Board

    Joe image

    This year we will be bringing you updates and interviews from some of our top team riders about what boards their riding. Our goal with the interview is to find out why the rider chooses to ride a particular model and what they like about certain shapes in an effort to help others find the right board. Last week we team manager Jason Wilson had a chance to sit down with North Carolina team rider Joe Ryce after receiving his new board in the mail. Here’s a few pics and what he had to say:

    Jason Wilson(Orange)   /   Joe Ryce(Dark Gray)

    So what did you order?

    Medium Wilson pro model 3/4″ tapperd down to 5/8″ in the nose and tail. I had been riding a Boomhower but just wanted to switch it up and try something new.

    3/4″ to 5/8″ you say? Is that how most of your boards are?

    Yeah, that’s what most of my boards are.

    Have you ever ridden a board that’s 5/8″ continuously ?

    My first two from zap were but I wanted to switch it up and realized 3/4 floated me way better.

    Joe Ryce board

    Tell me about the colors and art you chose on the board. You definitely got a nice bottom. Who designed the art?

    The art is one of my brothers best friends who has been doing art since he was little. He is getting known around here a little bit so I told him to give me a pic to get the art out there and I will put it on my board. He sent me one of Kitty Hawk Pier and I liked it the best so I asked Zap to put it on there. His Name is Brad Vuyovich.

    Kitty Hawk pier. Is that where you skim?

    That’s where I skim or used to skim. Whenever the sand bar comes back. In the summer it breaks, but in the winter it’s not the best spot at all.

    Do you know what he painted the pic with?

    He used paint pens I believe.

    How about the top color?

    Yellow. I chose it cause not too many people have yellow boards down here and I have not had a yellow one so I just picked that.

    What would you say your style of skimming is or what type of wave do you like so we can better help people connect with why you chose the Wilson pro model?

    A long front side line or a real a big wrap right on shore. The Boomhower was not working the best for me on bigger dumpy days so I’m hoping the narrower nose on this shape will help me come around a little quicker.

    How many times have you ridden the new board.

    I have not ridden it yet. I just got it 4 days ago and there have not been any waves to ride it in. (The mid-Atlantic has been freezing lately 38-45 degrees)

    You gotta let us know how it works.

    I will for sure.

    Joe boards

    I saw you have a 1″ thick board in your quiver. Tell me about that. When do you use that?

    I got it for real tiny days. For float and it goes faster on small days. It’s good for paddleing in from the out side. It’s easier to stand up on.

    Photo Credit: Jason Wilson

    Read more on team rider Joe Ryce on his rider profile page here. LINK

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