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    New Video Series Live On Youtube

    Episodes 1 – 4 of our new video series now live on YouTube! Fun times in Delaware with most of the Zap Crew!

    Episode 1
    Earlier this summer we took a team trip up to Delaware for the Southside Shootout and scored some fun waves and traded good times. We flew @geravalencia88 over for the week and he surely made things interesting. You’ll see all the shenanigans from the trip in this seven episode series dropping throughout this week!
    Video: @mattums

    Episode 2
    After recovering from the long drive up to Delaware, we were greeted with some fun waves on the second day of the trip. Everyone was stoked to get a few waves under their belt and get loosened up for the Southside Shootout.
    Video: @mattums

    Episode 3
    After a weekend of subpar waves for the Southside Shootout, we were greeted with some of the best waves of the trip the following morning. Everyone was out scoring the infamous Dewey liners and we were glad to have a share!
    Video: @mattums

    Episode 4
    One of our favorite spots in Delaware is Gordon’s Pond for it’s long liners around the rocks and beautiful scenery. We were lucky for the sand to be setup just right for us to catch a few fun ones on our trip. Enjoy the team taking full advantage!
    Video: @mattums

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