PHOTOS: Patrick “Tupat” Eichstaedt
When you need someone to “send it”, John Akerman is always at the top of the call list. And when there are some waves in the forecast, he’s the first person out at the beach waiting for them to roll in. He recently got the call at Flagler Beach that the waves were coming in so he called up the crew, loaded up the winch, and hit the beach. He was joined by surfer Robby McCormick, aka Rasta Rob, and photographer Patrick “Tupat” Eichstaedt to get some shots. Check them out now and get hyped to skim!
“My favorite things about winching is the opportunity to ride better waves, the speed, and the quality of airs you can boost over and over. In my opinion, the Motowinch is the best training device ever!
The forecast was perfect on this day with 2-3ft swell, light south wind, first day out of my wetsuit, and a rising tide into sunset. We strapped the Winch to one of our local piers and it was on.”