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    Skate VS Skim: Roman Hager


    Looks like team rider Roman Hager had been putting some time in at the skate park in the off season. Skateboarding has always been a great sport to cross train with skimboarding. Here are a few Q&A’s with Roman Hager on how skateboarding effects his skimboaridng.

    How long have you been skateboarding?

    I got my first skateboard when I was 2 years old. But it was a spiderman crappy fake board. My first real board was a Mike V mini. My parents gave it to me when I was 5 1/2. I didn’t really start skating skating until we moved to Fort Lauderdale, FL when I was 6.

    How does skateboarding affect your skim progression?

    The 2 are really really different, but skating helps me a lot with my balance and I can also do tricks on my skimboard that I do on my skateboard. Things like nose grabs and roast beefs. Skating really helps my skimming and skimming really helps me skate. It’s hard to explain.

    Do you want to add some skate style tricks to your skim trick bag?

    I would like to learn how to do a kick-flip and a benihana on my skimboard, but I like to keep my skim tricks and skate tricks separate for now. I haven’t landed a benihana on my skateboard yet either.

    Trick landed in the future?

    I want to see a 720 or a 1080 air landed.

    Anything else to add?

    I like hot girls! That is all I have to add.

    Check out Roman’s most recent video of him ripping at his local skate spots. Enjoy! Video Credit: Aaron Hager (Roman’s Dad)

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