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    Skim Camp

    Reno Beach Surf Shop is hosting skim camps this summer with team rider Stephen Bradford.


    WHEN:  Reno Beach Skim Camp will take place every other Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. starting June 12, 2010 and will continue throughout the summer. Accordingly, Skim Camp will be in session on the following dates: 6/12; 6/26; 7/10; 7/24; 8/7 and 8/21. Depending on enrollment and interest, we may schedule additional sessions on other available Saturdays. Additionally, our instructors are available for private lessons when camp is not in session.

    Check out the DESND site. Clothing from the beach to the skatepark!  Sweet stuff!

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    • Where is this located and how do you sign up?

      Jamie Cabaniss

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