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    The Raptor Pilots

    Photos: @devindmedia

    The Raptor, designed and ridden by world champion Gerardo Valencia, has been in the line for a few years now and based on how much people love it, we don’t think it’s going anywhere! Contrary to popular belief, the Raptor wasn’t named after anything running around Jurassic Park but rather, the F-22 Raptor fighter jet. When coming up with the design and name, Gerardo wanted a fast board that could glide across the water as effortlessly as possible so the name “Raptor” just stuck. With the name in mind, Gerardo and fellow team rider Chip Sanders thought it would be a good idea to get fully decked out in Top Gun gear and go for a shred! Check out the clips and pictures from that session below!

    Pick up your very own Raptor HERE!

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