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    Throwback Thursday: Boca Grande Wakeskim

    We had a lot of fun shooting Part 2 of this video series. We called in our team from different areas around FL and met up at Boca Grande pass located in Englewood. This location proved to be much better for catching the boat wake from the beach than the previous location we filmed at last year. (Click this link to watch that video: http://bit.ly/VTTUCt) The deeper water right off the shoreline provided the ideal scenario for what we were trying to do. Team riders Stephen Bradford, Justin Boisclair, Dave Armstrong, Max Smetts, Drew Danielo, Dave Scott, Justin Shock, and Zach Smetts were amongst the main crew catching the wake. We had a great time filming this and it’s always great to break it up from all the lake riding and be able to kick it for a day on the beach!

    Film+Edit: Corbin Blanton (CB Filmz)
    Music: “Vanity” by Strung Out

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