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    Zap Team in Brazil

    Jason Wilson and I flew to Brazil two days ago for a 2 week skim trip! IPanema local, Lucas Gomes and his mother picked us up from the airport and have taken us in to stay for a few days. They have shown us really great hospitality and shared with us some tasty Brazilian home cooking. Our first day in town we took a bus to Macumba beach in hopes to catch a sider that works off a reformed surf break. The sider didn’t end up working well but we were able to link up with the SkiMacumba crew and to do an interview for their website. They were really cool guys and we still were able to catch some fun secondary wedges and reform skim. On Thursday the swell was much smaller so we stayed at Lucas’s local spot in Ipenama and hungout at their beautiful beach and skimmed some fun smaller waves. Brothers Lucas and Matheus Chiabi came down to join us in the session to show us how the locals do it. That evening Lucas Fink, a young up in coming brazilian ripper, and his family invited us to have dinner at their restaurant on the lagoon. This place had really good unique food and an amazing view of the lagoon backdrop.

    This morning we picked up our newest team rider and videographer,Tony Bianchi, from the airport whom will joining us for the rest of the trip. After we met locals Lucas Fink and Guilherme Vaz at Ipenama beach. The skim was still small today so we hung out at the beach and enjoyed the brazilian culture most of the day. Tomorrow we will be heading to the Sununga to met up with Emanuel “Mega” Embaxaidor and the rest of the locals to ride their famous sider. Check back with us next week and we will keep you posted on our trip. Tchau!

    Dave Scott

    Really great edit by Raphael Bastos from Skimacumba!

    Gomes family welcomed the Zap crew!

    J Dub with a massive Surf Hut sandwich.

    Interview with Skimacumba

    A tired bus ride home after a long day of travel and skim at Macumba.

    Ipenama Session

    Dave Scott

    Dave Scott

    Dave Scott

    Dave Scott

    Dave Scott

    Lucas Gomes was ripping all day!

    Matheus Chiabi

    Lucas Chiabi

    The crew after the session.

    Lucas Fink’s family restaurant view!

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