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    2015 Kiernan Swallowtail || Interview

    kiernan Pro

    We recently caught up with team rider and women’s world champ, Casey Kiernan. This year she launched her brand new shape and design, the Kiernan Swallowtail. Casey has been traveling coast to coast all summer long, training and competing. Her new favorite trick is the frontside air and she has a few new tricks in the works. New video of her ripping on her new board in California below with a bonus interview talking about her new shape and plans for the summer. Enjoy!

    Ready to shred like the Womens Champ? Then this model is right for you. The uniform width makes it easy to maneuver on big and small waves while maintaining speed in smaller conditions and carving smoothly in bigger conditions. Its swallow tail shape provides great heel-toe weight transfer stability. This means there won’t be much speed lost when you are shifting your weight around the board. It is a great all around board with it’s own unique flavor from Casey!

    Blue: Dave || Black: Casey

    Photo Credits || Dwight Mudry - Les Morales

    Tell us a little about your new pro model?

    This is definitely one of my favorite boards to ride because it is so versatile. It’s a spin-off of Jason Wilson’s old pro shape, but with a swallow tail. It’s narrow in the nose and tail like the typical skimboard, so it’s great for doing quick wraps and the tail makes it really fun for liners.

    Board info

    What conditions are optimal for your shape?

    This board works well in all conditions, but I have the most fun on it on clean waves of any size.

    Who did the art for your board?

    Anna Johnson did an amazing job with the artwork! She took all my ideas and made a masterpiece!


    Do you think this new shape will help you win the UST tour again?

    Im hopeful this will be a repeat of last season and I’m confident that my new shape will be on my side especially for the California UST stops.

    Any contest tips from the 2014 women UST champ?

    First and foremost, don’t doubt yourself before or during your heat. Before every heat I compete in I tell myself, “Don’t compete with the other girls, compete with your own God given talent.” Wave selection and completion of your rides are critical!


    Any travel plans this summer?

    I just finished my cross country road trip with my two best friends. We stayed in Cali for a month, so that was great getting to skim every single day! I’m going to the ZAP Am Champs in Delaware for a week to help out with the contest and I’ll be topping my summer off with another visit to Cali for the Vic!

    Shout out to your sponsors?

    First and foremost, I wouldn’t be half the skimmer I am without Zap. I thank Zap for all they do for me to make sure I get to contests and I have everything I need to succeed, as well as creating an amazing Pro Model for me. Skim City always has my back if I have any skim shop related needs as well as making competing possible for me. Everglide Speedwax, for getting me to the waves quicker; Ky’s Kinis for supplying me with the cutest, comfiest, and most functional Bikinis; SkimChicks for Supplying me with wax and making sure I have the tools I need to succeed; and RELYance Skim Camp for all their support in and out of the water!







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