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    2024 Shore Lb Throwdown Recap

    Words: Jason Wilson // Media: Devin Demenezes

    Last weekend Team Zap traveled to the Shore LB Throwdown at Sebastian Inlet, Florida. This competition was the second stop of the 2024 Skim USA tour and brought out top competitors from Florida and all around the East Coast.

    The event was blessed with warm weather and solid skim both mornings of the competition! The higher tides served up waist to stomach high peaks giving the professionals options for wraps and the occasional wedging liner. The low tide afternoon conditions turned the competition area into a white water combo battlefield for the amateur and semi pro rounds. The contrast in morning and afternoon conditions made for a wide display of riding from technical varial combos to the occasional barrel.

    Our team riders shined and placed in almost every division! For the professionals, Sydney Pizza took another uncontested win while Gerardo Valencia and Dylan Duncan placed 3rd and 4th in Men's Pro. In the amateur division, Graham Shelton picked right up where he left last year with wins in both Mens and Semi-Pro divisions. Right behind him with another big performance was the Mayor of B-Town (Boynton Beach), CJ Lugo, who placed first in Grandmasters and third in Semi-Pro. Alex Farrell picked up a big Sr. Men's win over fellow team rider and contest killer ET Beaugrand who finished right behind Alex in 2nd. Our newest team rider Kate Warrington skimmed with poise taking first in the Women's division. For the groms, our boy Gio Tomasi was a standout, moving up from the Mini to Menehune division, taking the win, and hitting a most impressive 360 shuvit to wrap combo! Honorable mention for another new team rider in the Menehune division, Brody Chandler-Thompson for flying south out of the cold mid-atlantic winter into a 4th place finish behind Gio and a few other little rippers in the Menehunes. Last but surely not the least; big shout out to Tobi Blount and Will Grady for following up Graham with 3rd and 4th place finishes in the highly competitive men's division. What a strong team to keep your eye on this summer!

    Thank you to the Shore Lb and Skim USA crew who ran a tight event with live scoring, webcasting, post heat interviews, food, and entertainment all weekend!

    For team Zap highlights check the video by Devin Demenezes. For full results check Live Heats and be sure to join us at the Panama City Skim Jam, stop 3 of the Skim USA tour on April, 13-14.
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