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    Boardwalk Blowup Final Day Recap

    Day 2 of the Boardwalk Blow Up was another awesome one filled with action in Indialantic, FL. Conditions were very similar to the first day with smaller waves lining up from North to South. Conditions were the best during the early morning higher tide and light winds.

    Starting off with a few pre contest warm-up photos.

    All Photo Credit: Dave Scott/Casey and Erika Ritzer
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    The first heat in the water was the Women’s Professional division where team rider Casey Kiernan stood out with some big FS and BS shwacks getting her 1st place in the competition!

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    Next up was the Men’s Professional division where team riders Stephen Bradford, Max Smetts, Dave Scott, and Derek Shenton all stood out advancing through to the Semi Finals.

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    Next was the Semi Professional division where Casey Ritzer shredded his way to the finals during his first time competing in this division.

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    The pros judging the semi-pro division a.k.a. their future competition.


    Ed Hayden getting the shots for his blog: Tribe of Good Vibes


    Next was the professional Semi finals. First heat was Dave Scott, Stephen Bradford, Derek Shenton, and Morgan Just. Dave Scott ended up taking 1st with Morgan Just slightly getting the edge over Bradford taking 2nd and advancing through to the finals. Next semifinal was Jack Tenney, Brad Domke, and Blake Tyre. Jack took 1st with his light foot long liners and wraps while Max and Brad tied for second and had to go on to count the next wave. Brad had the better of the next wave advancing to the finals with Jack.

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    The middle part of the day was the Amateur quarter and semi final heats. ZAP riders Lucas McCoy, Casey Ritzer, and Naji Taha advanced to the finals in their divisions. Casey took 1st in Boy’s and 2nd in the Semi-Pro division. Lucas took 2nd in Men’s and Naji 1st in Sr. Men’s. Our good friend Johnny Chappa also took 1st in the Master’s division. Successful day for the Zap AM’s!

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    Stephen Bradford edged out Max Smett’s during the  5th and 6th place skim off.


    The pro final could not have been much more suspenseful. Morgan Just took 4th place with long wave rides and big airs. Brad Domke took a close 3rd landing some crazy technical maneuvers including a switch bigger spin and two different 360 shov-its on the same line. Zap rider Dave Scott came in 2nd with some nice wave rides to technical maneuvers and landing a tough varial kick flip. Jack Tenney won the even and deserved it doing everything from superman airs, long lines and wraps, and many other difficult maneuvers. All in all it was a great weekend that we are always grateful to be a part of as a sponsor. Hope everyone enjoyed it and we are looking forward to the next Skim USA event in Panama City, FL in April.



    Awards photos from youngest to oldest divisions.















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