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    Panama City Beach Skim Jam 2023 Recap

    Words: Max Smetts / Photos & Video: Devin Demenezes

    What a weekend (4/15/23-4/16/23) we had at the PCB Skim Jam! It is always a date that we circle excitedly on our calendar and this year did not disappoint. The weather couldn’t have been better for hanging out at the beach and there was enough swell for the competitors to rip on. This year, there were over a 100 competitors spread across all the divisions which was an amazing turn out. The local skim community showed up to the contest in force and they did a great job representing their home break!

    There were plenty of riders who stood out among the competition. In the Amateur ranks, it gets tougher and tougher to dismiss Zap Team Rider Dylan Duncan who took the win in both the Men and Semi Pro Divisions. He is on an absolute tear in the contest scene and will be at all the Skim USA stops this summer so look out for him! Fellow team rider Graham Shelton gave him a solid run in both divisions and had some great runs that landed him in 2nd Place in the Men’s division. Giorgio Tomasi also took the win in the Mini’s Division. He is always showing out and as one of the youngest competitors, we know he has a great future ahead of him. New to the Zap Team, Trent Moranda took home the win in the boys division in a dominating fashion. We would like to congratulate all those riders that made podiums over the weekend. It is not an easy task!

    In the Professional Divisions, Zap Team Riders Gerardo Valencia and Sydney Pizza took home wins in the Men’s Women’s Pro ranks, respectively. Gerardo Valencia was a stand out all weekend, as always, ripping on his new Raptor Pro Model. He was going big above the lip and combining a series of technical maneuvers in route to his win. Sydney has really progressed her technical riding over the last few seasons and it showed as she took the win for the ladies. We are hyped to see what more she can do over this season.

    This was such a fun contest, like it is every year. The skim scene in PCB is blowing up and the riders are always welcoming when we roll into town. Not to mention, there are a lot of shredders there! We want to give a big thank you to Mr. Surf and Shore LB crew for organizing the event and to Skim USA for running a smooth contest. Check out some pics below from the event (photo creds: Devin Demenezes) See you at the Spring Fling Skim Jam on 5/20/23 at North Jetty Beach – 1000 S Casey Key Rd, Nokomis FL 34275! Click HERE for more info.

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    1 comment

    • So awesome looks like a great turn out

      Peggy Leclerc

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