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    Zap Amateur Championships

    This upcoming weekend is the 2014 Zap Amateur World Championships presented by Alley Oop! We will be there as usual with the tent, demos, and more! Hope to see you there. It is going to be a great time. More info from the Alley Website below.


    On Saturday and Sunday August 9 & 10 the 33rd Annual  Zap Amateur World Championships of Skimboarding will take place on Saulsbury St. in Dewey Beach, DE. Competitors from around the globe will go head to head in one of the longest running, most prestigious skimboarding events in the world! For registration and details please click the following link: SKIM USA. (skimusa.org) Payment may be made online with a credit card.
    In addition to the championship weekend we are proud to introduce the Dewey Beach Summer Vibes Festival! An additional line up of Dewey Beach events and entertainment supported by local businesses, artists, and the skimboarding community. Organized and directed by Jason Wilson of Alley-Oop Skimboarding, the weekend will surely be the biggest of the summer in here in southern Delaware! A celebration of Dewey Beach’s natural elements and the fun loving summer vibe the town has to offer.
    On Friday August 8th we have partnered with East of Maui for the SUP Sprint Challenge on the bay at Northbeach. A 2 mile Stand Up Paddleboard race for experienced and a 1 mile beginner race for those looking for to try their first race. For more details and registration check the event page on  Paddle Guru. (paddleguru.com)

    In an effort to create more of a “Beach Festival” vibe we have added additional entertainment and excitement that will take place throughout the weekend directly on the sand of Saulsbury St. in Dewey Beach. Kids games, skimboard demos, raffles, art, and live music by the legendary Dj Woody B all mixed in during the exciting skim championships!

    On Saturday August 9th at 5pm Danson’s Amazing Traveling Circus Side Show will take the stage at 5pm as the preliminary rounds of the skimboarding competition come to an end for day. Prepare for jaw dropping excitement, sensational entertainment, and fun filled surprises in a show that you won’t want to miss!

    On Sunday Chef Hari Cameron of a(MUSE) will join us for our 12pm  lunch break of the skimboarding finals to share his passion for all things culinary with a demonstration and beach inspired dessert creation for the audience to sample!

    The weekend will conclude with the skimboarding finals and awards between 5-6pm followed by contest celebrations, food, drink, and musical entertainment at The StarboardGarys DBGWoodys Dewey Beach GrillNorth Beach and Hammerheads!
    Be sure to tell your family and friends to joins us for a weekend that offers something for everyone.
    Please join our social media and instagram: @alleyoopskim@summervibesfest, and @skim_usa.

    FB event groups: Dewey Beach Summer Vibes Fest and Zap Amateur World Championships of Skimboarding!


    Big thank you to our sponsors that have helped us to present this awesome weekend line up! Please check them out and support the companies that put back into things you enjoy.

    Alley-Oop SkimZap SkimboardsCape GazetteOC104NectarNorthbeachStarboardDewey Vacation RentalsEast of Maui,Moe’sGrotto PizzaAtlantic Oceanside Motel, Woody’sCricke SkimboardsSalad FactoryWings to GoFreak Traction,Atlantic,LiquorsHit Play YogaDewey Beach LionsSurf BagelSkim CityRyan’s Beach ShopPortGary’s DBG, Jungle Jims, Dj Woody BChef Hari Cameron of a(MUSE), DB Market, Sharky’s, Everglide, Minute Man Press, Paul Carpenter Art, Run Drop Slide,Le Femme Fanatic, iDEWEY, Thrashers, Filibuster, Zinka, DBSS, Dewey Beach Exxon, Skim Chicks, Kind Bar, and Vita CoCo.

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